A day in the life of a HS student…

This week I participated in the #shadowastudent challenge that is organized each year by School Retool.  Here are my brief thoughts after completing the day!

  • My day began at 7:50am and ended at 2:50pm – 7 hours total.
    • Technically, this is how the student’s day goes
    • 6:00 – Wake up
    • 7:35 – Arrive at School
    • 7:50-2:50 – 7 Classes
      • “I also use lunch to get going on HW.  I try to use any second I can.” -Student
    • 3:00-3:45 – Used to take care of sick grandmother but now either babysits relaxes for a minute.
    • 4:00-6:00 – Starts homework, eats dinner.
    • 6:30-9:30 – Plays VB for competitive team on the other side of the town
    • 10:00 – Homework, Shower
    • Midnight – Bed
    • And according to the student, “then throw in life and it’s’ even more chaotic”
    • Her weekend
      • ACT on Saturday morning
      • Came home and cleaned her room and house.
      • Had kids over at 4:00 and went to homecoming dance that night
      • Got up for VB tournament that went from 6am until 9:30pm
      • She stated she just didn’t do homework from sheer exhaustion on Sunday night
  • Desk chairs are hard and I sat in them a lot.  I only stood up in one class. My back hurts.
  • I still love math and managed to get 2nd in a Kahoot quiz that was all about Trig!
  • I could have water in my classes!
  • Watched a short video that was created in 1951 for schools.  Great way to represent what was happening in 1951.
  • Just as I began to process information, it was time to go to the next subject.
  • I thought the classes flew by but the student I shadowed said they went too slow.
  • I still love all things history and social studies!
  • Grammar still stresses me out, but I rocked it!
  • There is a lot of Trigonometry in Algebra 2!  
  • She didn’t like the books they had to read in English class.  Said students aren’t given a choice in what they can read.


My wonder abouts?

  • How can students be given an opportunity to move more or stand up in classes?
  • What kind of chairs/desks/seating can we get for students?
  • Students have a much busier schedule than I ever did in high school 27 years ago!
  • When do students have time to just relax and enjoy life or be with their family?
  • I never had any time to process the material.  It was rushed and fast.  48 minutes isn’t much time for deeper learning.
  • Could students be given a choice in what novels they read?
  • During the video in 1951 they showed a classroom with students at desk in rows, I realized that I was sitting in a desk in a row. How much has really changed about classroom organization?  How can our 2017 classrooms look different than 1951?  Flexible seating?